Our Services

We are a needs-responsive community. All of our services are designed to meet you wherever you are, and help you make a change that matters. At Oria, we don’t just talk with you about your problems, we listen to your needs.

“It is my belief that effective treatment begins with an accurate diagnosis of the problem.”

Dr. Richard Connell, Founder

We are committed to understanding you and your needs. All of our assessments are conducted by highly respected psychologists and their team.

We offer diagnostic and treatment services for both adolescents and adults.

Our diagnostic assessments are able to identify any mental-health need, including:

  • Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Asperger’s Syndrome

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Depression

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

  • Conduct Disorder

  • Personality Disorders

To schedule an assessment, please call us.


We go where you go. Utilizing our advanced teletherapy platform, both our clients and providers will benefit from our dynamic behavioral health services from wherever they are.

Any user can access our advanced and secure teletherapy platform on their computer, phone, or tablet and connect live with a highly qualified licensed mental health professional.

Getting you the best care is our priority. Utilizing our best fit approach and process, we connect our clients to the right provider.

What are some of the benefits of telehealth?

  • Safe

  • Convenient

  • Inclusive

  • Private

  • Anytime

  • Accurate

  • Accessible


Medication Management

The human condition is, well, conditional. The body is a sensitive biome and the ways we think and feel are heavily influenced by a variety of factors. Depending on the kind of difficulty we’re experiencing, sometimes talking to a caring professional is all we need to get back on track. Other times, we need a little more help and that’s where medication comes in. Our belief is that medication may be a helpful for a period of time while the effects of therapy begin to create lasting change.

Our Philosophy:

  • Medication can often provide relief of symptoms while therapy gets at the root of what is causing those symptoms.

  • Combining therapy and medication can be more effective.

  • Assessment is essential to clarifying a person’s diagnosis, and it determines the best intervention strategy.

Step 1: Assessment

The provider will conduct a thorough assessment to gather information about the client’s family history, symptoms, and other important information.

Step 2: Treatment Plan

The provider will propose a plan involving what medications are appropriate, their potential risks or side effects, and how long the client might need to take them.

Step 3: Ongoing Care

The provider and client will meet regularly (weekly, monthly, every few months) to monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary, getting the client to a healthy normal.